Archive for the ‘GC003-Hidden’ Category


Monday, November 23rd, 2009

Information about a buildings and properties that are unseen and taken for granted.

Hidden information:

  • building plans
  • electrical wiring
  • heating plans
  • gas pipes
  • building levels
  • foundations
  • structures – steel framing
  • water – water towers

Stranger than Fiction Intro sequnce: In this video the audience is given information about the inner workings of hidden building structures, mechanisms, routines, inner thoughts and ideas of the mind, aswell as information about mundane things like number of steps to cross the road, or brush strokes. These pieces of information are usually hidden from the audence – but in these titles they are shown for storyline effect.

Hidden Mechanisms:

  • The Body
  • what happens to your body when you go running?
  • How your body responds internally?
  • information that is hidden inside our heads
  • Gasometers
  • how things work
  • buildings

Hidden buildings/places:

  • goverment buildings
  • run-down buildings – security
  • derelict buildings – no longer required
  • alleyways, pathways
  • The secret garden


Monday, November 23rd, 2009

“You are asked to produce a piece of work in response to the above theme.
Themes that you may wish to explore may include concealment, camouflage, optical illusion, secrets, lies. The final outcome may be typographic, photographic, film, interactive, animation, illustration or 3-dimensional. Whatever works. Almost certainly you will need to conduct a lot of research in the form of investigation, trials and practical experiment. You should not concern yourself with a final outcome until you have conducted extensive open ended experiment. As part of this project you may wish to set up, or continue your current use of a blog. Use this blog as a research tool, post any of your work in progress (but not finished pieces), ask questions about your work so that others may help you with suggestions. You may also post examples of other work that you find inspiring or relevant but add a sentence or two about why you have chosen to post this item. A high level of research, which can be evidenced in your blog, and final out- come is expected.”