Archive for the ‘/ / / / / year 3’ Category

Zebra crossing – abbey road

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

Read below to find out how created this image.



Different colour variation



This site allows you to watch a live webcam of the famous abbey wood crossing. Many tourists come here and some try and replicate the Beatles “abbey road” album cover. This can be quite entertaining to watch as many make many attempts running back and forth changing direction on the crossing.


This was my initial stage.


I decided to watch and analyse the webcam. I was interested in how the people crossing from left to right or right to left could generate a pattern. So I recorded 1 hour of the webcam: Saturday 9th Oct at 2:51pm. I then analysed the footage making note of stops, seconds taken to cross, direction of crossing, number of people.


Above image are my written recordings helping me to create the top images. Below image is a key.


The next stage would be turn the stop start key into a piece of music/ animation.

More Flash/Microphone experiments

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

These flash swf files require an installed microphone.
Press Allow for swf files to play.

Lines will rotate 90 degree dependent on amplitude.


click here to play flash movie

Blocs move to sound input

click here to play flash movie

final triangle sound

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

Flash movie demonstrates finished version. The triangles should rotate depending on the input picked up by your microphone.
These flash swf files require an installed microphone. For better results, speak into your microphone or and try turning off any background music. Press Allow for swf files to play. Triangles should react to microphone interaction.

Picture 24

click here to play final triangle flash file

I set up the interactive triangle piece in uni, the triangle rotate creating different patterns as background sounds are picked up by the microphone. Click the movie below to see how the pattern changed.

TRiangle development

Saturday, October 16th, 2010

Flash movie demonstrates triangle microphone devlopment. The triangles should rotate depending on the input picked up by your microphone.
These flash swf files require an installed microphone. For better results, speak into your microphone or and try turning off any background music. Press Allow for swf files to play. Triangles should react to microphone interaction.


click here to play flash movie


click here to play flash movie

triangle idea

Friday, October 15th, 2010

The idea here was for the triangles to rotate 90 degrees = 4 rotations. As the you move your mouse curser over the triangles they will rotate 90 degrees creating a pattern.

Picture 16

An example of how the pattern can change.

Picture 17

click here to play flash movie, don’t forget to scroll your mouse cursor over the triangles

Some initial sketches.



flash experiments

Friday, October 15th, 2010

These flash swf files require an installed microphone.
Press Allow for swf files to play.

Picture 7

click here to play flash movie

Picture 9

click here to play flash movie

Picture 10

click here to play flash movie

Picture 11

click here to play flash movie


microphone sounds idea

Friday, October 15th, 2010

I was interested in the text exerts below. Firstly in Participation a book by Claire bishop she explains how street sounds such as horns and engines were organised together and used used as an art form. I also read in the Limited Language article, how “memory Wall” an installation would pick up colours form peoples clothing leaving a “colour silhouette” leaving a trace of lots of colours as people walked by.

I wondered how I could visualize sounds produced by street/spontaneous sound. An idea was to set a microphone which would pick up the surrounding sounds an have a visual outcome such as a pattern. This pattern would change depending on the sound produced.


“Memory Wall, a recent project for the Puerta America Hotel in Madrid, Spain, is an installation which goes some way to turning this relationship around. According to Bruges, it works like electronic blotting paper and soaks up the colours people are wearing leaving real-time colour silhouette traces on the wall as you pass. If you sit and read a while, your image burns in and leaves a trace for up to an hour. The wall provides an open-ended series of memories of different people – their actions and, perhaps, their narratives – in relation to a particular space and time. For instance, Bruges has observed that the wall can reflect changes in fashion. On a personal level, he adds that as you enter the lobby again and again, in contrast to that of the usual bland international hotel, your experience of the space will change.”
Article found here:


Friday, October 15th, 2010

Ask people to design a barcode like pattern, turn barcode into sound dependent on square filled/location etc. Then use barcodes to create a big pattern of lots of barcodes. The order of the barcode pattern is dependent on the order of barcodes played – as each square is a sound – each key is a barcode pattern. Cut out barcode pattern.




barcode idea

Friday, October 15th, 2010

The idea would be for each person to create a bar code type pattern.


Then the pattern would be collaborated together. I quickly created these below images to get a quick impression.


Pattern inverted.



Friday, October 15th, 2010

These patterns were created to get an impression of data produced patterns.



Some links

Thursday, October 14th, 2010>

Rapid processing. Decisions. LC.

ask people to design barcode, turn barcode into sound dependant on square filled/location etc. Then use barcodes to create a big pattern of lots of barcodes. The order of the barcode pattern is dependant on the order of quares played – as each square is a soud – each key is a barcode pattern. Cut out barcode pattern.

image output sound

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Picture 27

Picture 25

Picture 26


Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Pattern created accidentally when scanning at too high resolution.


A closeup of the pattern


An idea could be for lots of people to choose there favorite colour, then the bloc of colour’s location on a grid could be dependent on a variable (location or time to choose colour).

Initial ideas

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

I decided to look into generating a piece of work were the aesthetic outcome is dependent on social interaction/participation.

I have been looking into codes and how the user could create a line of code that collaborated together could create an outcome generated by lots of people.

The ideas below would ask each participant to design there own line of code/ design own pattern which would then have a visual and sound outcome. For example the barcode pattern blocs, each person would design there own. Then dependent on the black usage or location variation this would create a different sound outcome. e.g more black square coverage = higher pitch.


I looked at coded patterns in a basic but often hidden form


Colour could be a variable, where the location (IP) could determine the colour and the user chooses the grid reference, or the user could create their own pattern 1 line across?
Finally I looked at the Internets role, and how it has influenced participatory/relational designs.


Dissertation project

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Investigate the subject/content of your dissertation to develop a project to complete over the next 4 weeks.

My dissertation is about relational design. “Relational design is preoccupied with design’s effects, extending beyond the form of the design object and its attendant meanings and cultural symbolism. It is concerned with performance or use, not as the natural result of some intended functionality but rather in the realm of behavior and uncontrollable consequences. It embraces constraints and seeks systematic methodologies, as a way of countering the excessive subjectivity of most design decision-making. It explores more open-ended processes that value the experiential and the participatory and often blur the distinctions between production and consumption.”